Wednesday 9 December 2015

Venus and the Moon - La Lune et Vénus

I was amazed to see that even when it's a cresceant moon ; we can still see the whole moon ! 

and I found it easier to film it than to take a picture of it, si there is a video of Venus and the Moon : 

j'était étonnée en voyant que même quand c'est un croissant de Lune ; on voit quand même là pleine lune !

j'ai trouvé ça plus simple de le filmer que de le prendre une photo, alors voilà une vidéo de Vénus et de la Lune : 


  1. Pierre asked me what the planet was the other day and I wasn't sure - I'll send him to you next time !!

  2. nice bit of video,I can never use the zoom as my hands seem to be too shaky and then I can never find the subject.Interesting you call the moon a lune in France,I am now known as moony grandad,,,

    1. I always find it easier to focus on the subject and then focus (I'm the same otherwise !)
      haha I had never thaught about that !
