Sunday 6 December 2015

Circus zoo - Zoo du cirque

The zoo came to our town (remix : Santa Claus is comming to town ;) I couldn't wait until Christmas to say that !) so we went to visit it ! (I'll only show you the special animals but there were horses and that kind of animals !) 

I'm actually proud of the close-up's I managed to get of the tigers :


then we saw both the tigers fight ! 

then next to them was a lion : 

there was a zebra too : 

then we came accross this really young camel : 

and next to it was this enormous elephant :

and we saw it eating and drinking : 

when I went pass the tigers again, he was having his meal and we could see the bottom of his feet, they looked really pink ! 

If you've read Heatty Feather from Jacqeline Wilson, you'll reconise this ! It looks like when her and her brother went into the circus whitout being allowed to ! 

and on the way home we saw some jellyfish :

le zoo est venu dans notre ville (remix : Santa Claus is coming to town ;) (chanson de Noël Anglaise) je ne pouvais pas attendre jusque Noël pour le dire !) donc on est allés le visiter !

Je suis vraiment fière de moi pour les zooms que j'ai réussi a avoir des tigres : 

puis on a vu les deux tigres se battre : 

après a coté d'eux il y avait un lion : 

il y avait un zèbre aussi : 

puis après on a croisé ce jeune chameau : 

et a coté de lui était cet énorme éléphant : 

et on l'a vu manger et boire : 

quand je suis repassée devant le tigre, il était en train de manger alors on voyait le dessous de ses pattes, elles étaient hyper rose ! 

Si vous avez lu "Hetty Feather" de Jacqeline Wilson (un livre en anglais d'une écrivain anglais mais il a peut être été traduit en français) vous reconnaîtrez ça ! Ca ressemble a quand elle et son frère sont rentrés dans le cirque sans en avoir le droit ! 

et sur le chemin du retour on a vu des méduses :


  1. it seems strange to see the animals in a circus as it has been banned in the UK for some years now.I must admit it is good to see them up close though,scary tigers though!!!

    1. yeah we always go past the circus when we come over to yours and we always say that ! I think it's actually a good thing it's banned but when there there you can get really close to them !

  2. OK, so your videos are miles better than mine !

    Love the bit when I say "oh look the tiger's come out" and Pierre thinks he's behind us !!
