Sunday 4 September 2016

Day 3 in Lanzarote, volcano parc - Jour 3 a Lanzarote, parc des volcans

Once we found the right directions, we headed off the the national volcano park !
Une fois que l'on a trouvé la bonne route, on a pris la direction du parc national de volcan !

while getting there we saw loads and loads of volcanoes so we could only imagine how many there were going to be at the park !
pendant qu'on y allait on a vu beaucoup de volcans donc on ne pouvait qu'imaginer combien il y en aurait au parc !

We saw a load of camels that were going to the volcano park : 
On a vu pleins de chameaux qui allaient au parc de volcans : 

Already in the car we could see really well :
Deja dans la voiture on voyait très bien :

And then we finally got there and parked the car to get into the bus (because the tour is in a bus) !
Et ensuite nous sommes finalement arrivés et on a garé la voiture pour aller dans le bus (parce que le tour du parc se fait dans un bus) !

the tour started off by going past this enormour crater : 
le tour a commencé en passant devant cet énorme cratère : 

This one was really colourfull ! 
Celui ci était de pleins de couleurs différentes ! 

My brother was taking pictures too :
mon frère faisait des photos aussi :

we went past this crater and a little lava bridge :
On est passés devant ce cratère et ce pont de lave : 

We went really close to these lava stalactites : 
On est passés hyper près de ces stalactites de lave : 

Here are some pictures of the volcanoes : 
voici quelques photos des volcans : 

We were really close of this enormous crater :
On était hyêr près de cet énorme cratère : 

Then we saw some geysers :
Puis on a vu des geysers :

There was a man that was burning some grass this the heat of the lava, Pierre wanted to watch it for about 15 minutes !
Il avait un homme qui brulait de l'herbe avec la chaleur de la lave, Pierre a voulu le regarder pendant au moins 15 minutes ! 

And we also saw the bit where they cook food with the heat of the lava ! 
Et on a aussi vu là où ils font a manger avec la chaleur de la lave ! 


  1. wow just imagine you dad cooking the barbecue on the ground in the car park,it would be the same size as the one in your photo . Did you eat any of the food that was cooking?and was being cooked by an old geezer (as in old person)

    1. that would be cool!
      As we had a car that we hired we could do whatever we wanted, we didn't have to stick to a group but no we didn't have any because loads of groups were arriving and it was really hot so we just carried on !
      The food was being cooked by people in the restaurant but no one was making sur nobody was touching it..
