Monday 11 April 2016

Day 2 of my outward bound in Oise - Jour 2 de mon séminaire dans l'Oise

The first thing we all did when we got up, is get ready, then when it was time, go and have breakfast (by the way this is the view I had from my bedroom !) :
La première chose que l'on faisait quand on se levait, était de se préparer, puis quand c'était l'heure, on allait déjeuner (au fait ceci est la vue que j'avais de ma chambre !) : 

During our first activity, we had to do the same thing as soldiers did in the quarries (which we visited the day before), we had to choose a sentence or a drawing we wanted to sculpt into the stone (and we had to imagine what we would have done if we were in the quarry during the war living life like a soldier) and do it : 
Pendant notre première activité, on devait faire la même chose que les soldats faisaient dans les carrières (que l'on a visité la veille), on devait choisir une phrase ou un dessin que l'on voulait sculpter dans la pierre (et on devait imaginer ce que l'on aurait fait si on était dans la carrière durant la guerre vivant la vie comme un soldat) et le faire :

I decided to sculpt the sentence "Love is stronger than death" because, if you love someone who unfortunately died at war, you will still love him, you won't decide to stop loving him just because he died so that's why I decided to engrave this sentence ! 
J'ai decidé de sculpter la phrase "Love is stronger than death" (qui veut dire "L'amour est plus fort que la mort") parce que, si vous aimez quelqu'un qui malheureusement est mort à la guerre, vous l'aimerez toujours, vous n'allez pas décider d'arrêter de l'aimer juste car il est mort, donc voilà pourquoi j'ai décidé de graver cette phrase !

Then the second one we had to do this, but I can't remember what it's called but basically we had to draw on brass made from copper and gold, to do the drawing we wanted to do and here's what I did : 
Puis la deuxième il fallait faire ceci, mais je ne me rappel plus comment ça s'appelle mais en gros il fallait dessiner sur du laiton d'or et de cuivre, pour faire le dessins que l'on voulait faire et voilà ce que j'ai fait : 

All afternoon we were rehearsing for our play (which you will see in the next blog post) so we didn't go out, and on that night we had a party because it was our last night there ! 
Tout l'après midi on répétait pour notre pièce de theatre (que vous verrez dans le prochain article) donc on est pas sortis, et ce jour là on a eu une fête parce que c'était notre dernière nuit là ! 


  1. I can't believe how much you packed in in such a short time :)

  2. wow you did a good job in the play,you all looked so grown up in it,glad you got over your stage fright so well.It is good to remember the war as there is so much trouble in the world at the moment.

    1. It actually ended up being alright, it's good that I managed. We had to dress up the way people dressed in the war. Yeah it is, our commemoration war at the perfect time !
